Male child of a brother or half-brother.
Examples for "fraternal nephew"
Examples for "fraternal nephew"
1"Well, he quarrels with my young friend, the worthy son of Brother Hinkley-
2Young children - the sons of brothers who have worked for him for almost 20 years, play delightedly with a tortoise at his feet.
1Aside from yourself, I have but one close relative, my brother's son.
2His brother's son took from his neck the little satchel containing sacred meal.
3My own brother's son try to take my life-thisis horrible.
4It explains why I have a partner; my brother's son.
5Kalf was a son of Arnfin Arnmodson, and a brother's son of Arne Arnmodson.
1This was George Eildon, the only son of a brother of the late Lord Arthur.
2Maulevrier, son of a brother of Colbert who had died of grief at not being named Marshal of France, was this rival.
3Then he burnt into his shoulders a cross, with these words: "Crivòliu, who is baptized; son of a brother and sister."
4Tesse had married his eldest daughter to La Varenne last year, and now married his second daughter to Maulevrier, son of a brother of Colbert.
5"He is the son of a brother crusader."
Translations for son of a brother